Camrose Circle

Camrose Circle

Friday, January 29, 2010

Standing out in a crowd could be really great. I've been in a crowd several times in my life with the small desire and hope that someone who means something will notice me. It's never happened and being 32 years of age I don't think it ever will. Coming to except the fact that I blend in and being okay with this revelation has been a process. I'm just like everybody else and this is actually a calming reality. I can just be me; quiet, reserved, always say the wrong thing, caring and compassionate and all the "somebody's" won't even glance my way. I'm left with myself and my own judgements to carry me above the crowd and hopefully I'll be paying attention.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


In a quest for motivation and self preservation before I slowly waste away physically, mentally and emotionally (daytime T.V.), I have decided to bore all of you with my life. I have just moved back to the birthplace of San Diego, CA after a 10 year life in Denver, CO. At 32 I finally have a degree, a few trips to Europe under my belt and I'm very nice (except to my husband).

Camrose Circle is the perfect place to start my journey. A cul de sac I grew up on surrounded by cement walls and Brookhurst St. I rarely escaped the black concrete or cracked cement driveway in front of my house. My best friends lived 5 houses down and the weird boy child across the street kept me entertained. Though I'm so far from those days, I seem to be stuck there. Being afraid of what's outside my doors or around the corner; trembling with the thought of anyone's disapproval, judgement or my own worst fear, success and its' commitment.

I'm discovering that safe in all of its' meaning is not necessarily a positive state of being. It creates fear based thinking, hesitation to live and a stagnant, naive existence.