Camrose Circle

Camrose Circle

Monday, March 17, 2014


Just got back from lunch with my Dad. He turned 77 today. My Dad is a very mellow kind of dude that doesn't say much but listens very intently. He has a sense of adventure that is at a slow pace and melds with the flow in nature. He enjoys life, being around his family and just doing his thing.

I look at both of my parents so differently now. I see myself in them when before I'll I could do is see how I'm nothing like them. It's been a lifetime of puzzles trying to put the pieces together of who I inherited this trait from and who I look like most. I'm feeling pretty complete with this puzzle. It's so nice to know that I come from them and then, just be here. I'm so lucky to have them in my life.

I flow nicely with my Dad. I love him and how he is. It's such a familiar feeling within myself. It's so deep and connected when I accept and allow us to just be who we are. I myself act 77 most of the time so it makes sense we get along. I'm pretty close to the hearing aid as well, which is exciting because I'm pretty sure when you are 77,  you have it mostly figured out.

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