Camrose Circle

Camrose Circle

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Thank you God for Women! Our complicated self fulfilling sense of being is so powerful! We are here to inspire, find the good and hold the heavy burdens with love and compassion. Women smooth the edges of this world with maternal indignation and relentless intuition. 

My community of women is some strong shit. Watch out. I am surrounded by the strongest most amazing varieties. Life right now is all about "You are what you love, not what loves you" (Thank you Kyle Cease).
This saying is what I'm breathing at the moment. It has literally opened my eyes to see how incredible my life is. These women I love and surround myself with, are me. 

Coming into my late thirties, women in my life are aging as well. We've all grown together. We're all learning and expanding. I believe we hold a secret to life; to be able to connect so deeply and trust each other so fully. My Mothers my sisters my soul sisters my best friends. I'm proud of who we've become and continue to be as this messy world soars forward. 

(I just looked up the word indignation in the dictionary because it just kind of came out me when I was typing. I feel a sense of relief it means exactly what I wanted it to mean.) 

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